This blog written for a fictional character in a game called Scion by White Wolf Publishing...this is a work of fiction!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A new friend

So I went out to a bar, drank a little, went to the club again, drank some more, danced a bit, and then I smelled a familiar scent...blood...the scent of my pantheon.  I followed it to the bar where I found a very handsome Englishmen named Fletcher.

Turns out he's a newly visited son of Huitzilopochtli...our war god. Blood thirsty bastard from what I understand. So we chatted and turns out his dad came when he was dying of an OD...but he's now immune to drugs and alcohol. Apparently he's killed before too. I don't know why but this stirred something in me and I asked to go with him next time...what the hell is happening to me!?

I told him I'd introduce him to Dr. Lord tomorrow and we agreed to meet at his office after my last class...

Time to go let Tepini hunt...

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